Circulation & Immunity

  1. 2. The two lower chambers of the heart.
  2. 4. A substance used to stimulate an immune response to create antibodies, to prevent future attacks from a certain pathogen.
  3. 5. A foreign substance that results in an immune response from the body.
  4. 7. The largest artery in the heart; supplies oxygenated blood to the circulatory system.
  5. 10. When someone is given antibodies rather than producing it in their own immune system.
  6. 14. Thin blood vessels used for exchange of materials.
  1. 1. Thick blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
  2. 2. A large vein that delivers deoxygenated blood to the heart.
  3. 3. Remove dead cells and bacteria.
  4. 4. Controls the passage of blood in and out of the heart chambers.
  5. 6. A blood protein that specializes in counteracting a specific antigen.
  6. 8. Cells involved in immunity, fighting off pathogens and disease.
  7. 9. Cells that contain hemoglobin and carry oxygen.
  8. 11. When the immune system is triggered to create antibodies because of exposure to a disease.
  9. 12. Cell fragment involved in blood clotting.
  10. 13. Blood vessels that carry oxygen depleted blood towards the heart.
  11. 15. The liquid part of the blood.
  12. 16. The two upper chambers of the heart.
  13. 17. A division that separates two chambers.