  1. 1. These cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues
  2. 3. Plasma, the liquid component of blood and makes up about 55% of the total blood volume.
  3. 6. a muscle that helps you inhale and exhale
  4. 9. carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
  5. 10. a passageway that extends from the base f the skull to the 6th cervical vertebra
  6. 15. System, made up of the organs in the body that helps us to breathe
  7. 16. the smallest blood vessels in the body
  8. 17. a part of the immune system, defending the body against infection
  9. 18. the elongated space between the vocal cords
  10. 19. a remarkable organ that pumps the blood throughout the body
  11. 21. a vital bodily fluid that circulates throughout the body
  12. 23. conduct electricity when dissolved in water
  13. 25. essential for blood clotting
  14. 28. tiny air sacs that function as basic respiratory units
  1. 2. a protein found in RBC that is crucial for transportation of oxygen
  2. 4. System, responsible for distributing materials throughout the body
  3. 5. used for eating and speaking
  4. 7. hairlike tubes that connect to the alveoli
  5. 8. the large tubes that connect to your trachea
  6. 11. movement of blood from the heart to the rest of the body
  7. 12. means transportation or movements in circles
  8. 13. often called the windpipe
  9. 14. Globulins, a type of immunoglobulin
  10. 20. movement of blood through the tissues of the heart
  11. 21. Cells- produced in the bone marrow and are crucial for various functions.
  12. 22. movement of blood from the heart to the lungs
  13. 24. carry deoxygenated blood to the heart
  14. 26. Vessels, form a network that transports blood throughout the body
  15. 27. commonly called the voicebox
  16. 29. it allows us to breathe