Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

  1. 3. section of the lungs whose surface area will be greatly decreased by pneumonia.
  2. 4. ___________________tubes narrow when you have asthma.
  3. 8. Infection of the lungs when the lungs fill up with fluids.
  4. 10. ____________________ molecules will bind the oxygen from the lungs in the RBC of the circulatory system.
  5. 11. Bronchitis that last for only a few weeks is known as ______________________.
  6. 12. Extremely fast exhalation of air through the nasal passage.
  7. 13. major cause of COPD
  8. 17. stands for Chronic Obstructive _______________ Disease.
  9. 20. symptom of pneumonia.
  1. 1. ____________________ is shared between the digestive and respiratory system.
  2. 2. chest is a sign of emphysema.
  3. 5. Gas exchange between the respiratory and circulatory systems take place between alveoli and the ____________________.
  4. 6. Controls your breathing.
  5. 7. Increases and decreases the partial pressure in the lungs, making breathing possible.
  6. 9. to treat asthma.
  7. 14. The respiration that takes place between the lung and the capillaries.
  8. 15. major preventable cause of COPD
  9. 16. ______________________ tubes will fill with mucus, making it hard to breath with pneumonia.
  10. 18. cell/A type of lung cancer.
  11. 19. about ________% of white blood cells make up the total blood volume.