Circulatory, Respiratory, Nervous System

  1. 3. Pumps blood from left ventricle to head, organs, and legs
  2. 5. Partition separating the two ventricles
  3. 11. smaller branches
  4. 12. Contraction phase
  5. 13. layers of connective tissue for protection
  6. 14. Valve Valve in the right ventricle
  7. 15. symptoms persistent sadness, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, changes in body weight and sleeping patterns, loss of energy, suicidal thoughts
  8. 17. Presence of CNS separate from PNS
  9. 21. Concentration of nervous system at the head end
  10. 24. clusters of air sacs
  11. 26. sheet of muscle
  12. 27. Has 2 chambers in heart
  13. 29. where digestive and respiratory systems meet
  1. 1. Ventricle Pumps blood to head, body, and organs
  2. 2. Master control center
  3. 4. Arc Receptor, sensory neuron, motor neuron, and effector are involved in quick response to stimulus
  4. 6. Cerebrospinal fluid becomes infected, meninges swell
  5. 7. Nervous System Controls smooth and cardiac muscles, organs and glands of digestive, circulatory, excretory, endocrine
  6. 8. windpipe
  7. 9. Blood comes into the left atrium
  8. 10. Fluid liquid that cushions the CNS and helps supply it with nutrients, WBCs and hormones
  9. 16. Relaxed phase
  10. 18. Has 3 chambers in heart
  11. 19. Vena Cava Brings blood from head to lungs
  12. 20. Nervous System Carry signals to skeletal muscles
  13. 22. lead to each lung
  14. 23. disease that causes alveoli to disintegrate
  15. 25. Kills 430,000 Americans per year
  16. 28. voice box