Circulatory & Respiratory System

  1. 4. small, oval-shaped organs distributed throughout the lymphatic system that filter lymph
  2. 6. an organ system that is made up of both the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and is responsible for transporting materials.
  3. 7. small organs at the back of the throat and tongue that help defend the body against infection.
  4. 8. lymphatic organ located in the chest that helps in developing white blood cells
  5. 9. a blood vessel with thick walls that carries blood away from the heart.
  6. 10. largest organ in the lymphatic system that matures and then stores white blood cells.
  1. 1. the fluid that circulates through the lymphatic system in order to bring nutrients to the body and to help remove unwanted materials from the body.
  2. 2. the body system that transports blood around the body and is made up of the heart, blood, and blood vessels
  3. 3. a network of organs and tissues that acts as the body’s drainage system by collecting the fluid that leaks from the blood.
  4. 5. soft tissue inside bones where blood cells are produced.
  5. 6. tiny blood vessel that delivers oxygen-rich blood to body cells and transports oxygen-poor blood away from body cells.