Circulatory System Crossword Puzzle Courtney Ha P4

  1. 2. Expands the volume of the chamber
  2. 4. Records electrical signals in the heart
  3. 8. production of all cellular components of blood and blood plasma
  4. 9. Membrane that surrounds the heart
  5. 10. Strongest chamber of the heart
  6. 11. Process by which a blood clot is formed
  7. 14. Receive blood returning to the heart
  8. 15. Muscles of the heart
  9. 17. Narrow end of the heart
  10. 18. Carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart
  11. 19. Carries deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs
  12. 20. fluid in blood that does not contribute to clotting
  1. 1. Small vein that carries blood from capillaries
  2. 3. Location of the heart
  3. 5. blood enters the aorta and pulmonary trunk arteries
  4. 6. Protein involved in blood clotting
  5. 7. exchanges materials between the blood and tissue cells
  6. 12. Prevents backward flow of blood
  7. 13. Main artery that carries your blood away from your heart
  8. 16. Heart contracts to pump blood out