Circulatory System Review

  1. 2. A vessel that moves blood to the heart.
  2. 6. A waste gas that is transported in veins from the body to the lungs via the heart.
  3. 7. The place where oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood. (organ of the respiratory system)
  4. 8. The heart ___________ blood.
  5. 10. The liquid in the circulatory system.
  6. 13. Blood in arteries is ____________ red because it is rich in oxygen.
  7. 14. The largest artery in the body.
  1. 1. The place where nutrients enter the blood (organ of the digestive system)
  2. 3. A gas that is transported in arteries from the lungs to the rest of the body via the heart.
  3. 4. The circulatory system ___________ (another term for move) nutrients, gases, liquids, and heat around the body.
  4. 5. The heart, blood, and vessels make up the __________ system.
  5. 6. A small vessel that connects veins and arteries.
  6. 9. The pump of the circulatory system
  7. 11. The circulatory system transports this, which helps regulate temperature.
  8. 12. A vessel that moves blood away from the heart.