CIS 178 Cybersecurity Participation

  1. 3. Malware that demands payment
  2. 8. Software that detects malware
  3. 9. Criminal activity on computer systems
  4. 11. secure website connection
  5. 12. Successful cyber attack
  6. 13. a software vulnerability
  7. 17. a system weakness
  8. 18. malicious digital activity
  9. 19. data protection method
  10. 20. fraudulent email technique
  1. 1. network security barrier
  2. 2. a traffic overload cyberattack
  3. 4. user identity verification
  4. 5. computer infection
  5. 6. secret access code
  6. 7. unauthorized access
  7. 10. harmful software program
  8. 14. unsolicited email
  9. 15. A network of infected computers
  10. 16. physical trait recognition