
  1. 1. City straddling states of Missouri & Kansas
  2. 6. Largest island in Thailand
  3. 9. Home to the Raffles Hotel
  4. 10. Home to the “Forbidden city”
  5. 12. City in Metropolitana Manila
  6. 14. Place of Gods, Tibet
  7. 15. Founded by Don Diego De Losada,1567
  1. 2. Named after US war hero Frances Nash
  2. 3. French home to “The Lord’s Lantern”
  3. 4. Birthplace of Parkour
  4. 5. Built by Romulus & Remus, according to legend
  5. 7. Home to Hemingway for 20 years
  6. 8. City named for its largest automotive employer
  7. 10. City of Beethoven
  8. 11. Amber capital of Poland
  9. 13. Starting point for El Chepe train, Mexico