
  1. 2. This city is split between Missouri and Kansas
  2. 4. This city was famous for being burned down in the Civil War
  3. 6. This city is the most populated in Texas and is known for oil fields.
  4. 9. This city is the largest city of Oregon and of Maine
  5. 14. This 2nd most populous Ohio city is famous for being in the Rust Belt and losing many people.
  6. 15. This city is the largest city of the state (outside of Texas) that has the largest oil boom specifically in the West Side.
  7. 18. This city is one of the fastest growing cities in the county.
  8. 21. This city is almost perfectly the center of Indiana, this city is famous for having a round-a-bout directly in the center of it.
  9. 22. Juan This US City is on the island of Puerto Rico, and is the largest city on it.
  10. 24. This city is known as the "Golden Gate City"
  11. 26. This largest city in Pennsylvania once was the capital of the US
  12. 27. This city is the most populated in Texas (by metro population)
  13. 28. This city is famous for being abondoned and rundown this largest city in Michigan lost 1.5 million people since a peak in 1950.
  1. 1. This city is the capital of the Country
  2. 3. This largest city in North Carolina is growing so fast that it is running out of space quickly.
  3. 5. This city is the 2nd most populated US city and is the center of Hollywood.
  4. 7. This city is known for the Riverwalk and the Alamo.
  5. 8. This city is called the "Gateway City" because it is the gateway to the west historically.
  6. 10. This Massachusetts city is famous for having a name said massacre in the Revolutionary War.
  7. 11. This city is both the largest South Carolina city, and the largest West Virginia city.
  8. 12. This city is famous for being where Elvis Presley was buried
  9. 13. this Virginia city is famous for it's lovely beaches despite being so far north.
  10. 16. This city is famous for it's beaches and nice weather.
  11. 17. this largest city in the country is famous for the Statue of Liberty
  12. 19. This city has the Mall of America
  13. 20. This city was devastated by a 2005 category 5 hurricane
  14. 22. This Washington city is now full of Tech jobs.
  15. 23. This city in Utah was designed and first built by the Mormons.
  16. 25. This city's south side is the most dangerous place in North America, this city lost 1 million people since a peak in the 1950s.
  17. 28. This city is up in the scenic Colorado Mountains, and is the largest Colorado city.