
  1. 3. Meat from a sheep
  2. 5. A place for indoor skating
  3. 7. Things to do when relaxing
  4. 10. When people break things for fun
  5. 11. A place where you buy and eat food
  6. 12. A small flying animal, but not a bird!
  7. 13. What a town offers when it's dark
  8. 14. From about the year 1000 AD - 1600 AD
  9. 16. Places to stay on holiday
  10. 17. A long piece of water that goes to the see
  11. 18. A fun place with lots of water
  12. 21. A large church
  13. 22. Against the law
  14. 23. An old building used in war
  15. 24. Meat from a pig
  1. 1. Something bad that people put in the street
  2. 2. A small, long animal with no legs (not a snail)
  3. 4. You can only cycle here
  4. 6. Places where cars cannot go
  5. 8. What tourists do when they visit nice places
  6. 9. Really, really, really good!
  7. 12. Meat from a cow
  8. 15. Bad air
  9. 19. Very old
  10. 20. A large, jumping animal from Australia