Citizenship Puzzle 2

  1. 1. The Speaker of the House.
  2. 8. The Representative for my district.
  3. 10. One of the three branches of government.
  4. 11. One of the two senators for Texas.
  5. 12. The number of Supreme Court Justices.
  6. 13. One of the 5 wars fought the United States fought in the 1900s.
  7. 14. One of the two longest rivers in the United States.
  8. 15. The ocean on the east coast of the United States.
  9. 20. The month that we pay our taxes.
  10. 21. One way that Americans can participate in their democracy.
  11. 23. The movement that tried to end racial discrimination.
  12. 24. Group of people who were taken to America and sold as slaves.
  13. 25. This sets up the system of government for the United States.
  14. 27. The political party of the current President.
  1. 2. One of the 13 original colonies.
  2. 3. The name of the current vice president.
  3. 4. The current governor of Texas.
  4. 5. The Commander in Chief of the Military.
  5. 6. He created the first free library in the United States.
  6. 7. This branch of government reviews or explains laws.
  7. 9. One of the problems that led to the Civil War.
  8. 16. One of the three rights listed in the Declaration of Independence.
  9. 17. Location of the Statue of Liberty.
  10. 18. One of the rights of everyone living in the United States.
  11. 19. He wrote the Declaration of Independence.
  12. 22. He was President during World War I.
  13. 26. Number of years that a Representative serves.