Citizenship test-Sparks 2nd hour

  1. 1. What court system handles disputes about state laws?
  2. 6. the ability to rule absolutely within a territory
  3. 12. asking an Appellate court to review a case
  4. 14. What is the biggest department that includes the military, Army, Navy, marines, and Air Force?
  5. 15. the division of power among national governments and small state governments
  1. 2. an official document that gives rules for how a government runs
  2. 3. power that is divided among functioning branches
  3. 4. Aid the help that the U.S. gives to other countries
  4. 5. How many different categories of interest groups are there?
  5. 7. a type of democracy in which representatives are chosen by the people
  6. 8. When a state is not allowed to interfere with basic rights, it means
  7. 9. changes to the constitution
  8. 10. voters who want more government control; considered to be Democrats
  9. 11. of the House leader of House of Representatives
  10. 13. System meetings where party leaders and supports select candidates