Civics Chapter 3 vocabulary

  1. 1. review, The power of the US Supreme court to determine if a law passed by congress on a presidential action is accord with the constitution
  2. 3. rule, A system in which the decision of more than half the people is accepted by all
  3. 7. powers, Powers given to the federal government by the Constitution
  4. 9. powers, The distribution of political power among the branches of government giving each branch a particular set of responsibilities
  5. 12. Cancel
  6. 15. Has a trunk
  7. 17. The leaders of the executive department who also act as advisors to the president
  8. 18. branch, The law-making branch of government
  9. 19. Man's best friend
  10. 21. Large marsupial
  11. 22. A refusal by the president or governor to sign a bill
  1. 2. Likes to chase mice
  2. 4. branch, The branch of government that interprets the law and punishes law breakers
  3. 5. powers, Powers set aside by the US Constitution for the states or for the people
  4. 6. and balance, A system in which the powers of government are balanced among different branches so that each branch can check or limit the power of the other branches
  5. 8. Flying mammal
  6. 10. branch, The branch of government that carries out the laws
  7. 11. government, A system in which government powers are carefully spelling out to prevent government from becoming too powerful
  8. 13. The beginning of the US Constitution which describes its purpose
  9. 14. sovereignty, Government by consent of the governed
  10. 16. a written change to the Constitution
  11. 20. powers, Powers shared by the federal government and the states