Civics Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. / a person who has left his or her home to escape danger such as persecution by the government, war, or natural disaster.
  2. 6. REGIME / a government in which one leader or group of people holds absolute power.
  3. 8. / a body of ideas about life and society.
  4. 11. / describes a system in which government control extends to almost all aspects of people's lives.
  1. 1. / the health, prosperity, and happiness of the members of a community.
  2. 2. / the practice of offering your time and service to others without receiving payment.
  3. 3. / system in which society, either directly or indirectly through the government, control all aspects of the economy.
  4. 5. / an action we are required to perform.
  5. 7. / a foreign-born resident of the United States who has not been naturalized.
  6. 9. / respecting and accepting others, regardless of their beliefs, practices, or differences.
  7. 10. RULE / political principle providing that a majority of the members of a community has the power to make laws binding upon all of the people.