U.S. History Review Crossword #1

  1. 5. These people argue that the Bible should be taken literally.
  2. 6. The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker nations.
  3. 8. This type of integration involves merging or buying out similar companies.
  4. 9. This man, whose first name was Franz, was Heir to the Austrian throne whose assassination triggered World War I.
  5. 10. This country, plus Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire made up the Central Powers.
  6. 13. The policy that kept the United States out of war for three years was called.
  7. 14. This organization was founded by W.E.B. Dubois to promote full racial equality.
  8. 18. These were nightclubs where people when to drink illegally during the 1920s.
  9. 19. The development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy is called what.
  10. 20. This process made the manufacturing of steel faster and more efficient.
  1. 1. This banned the manufacture, sale and possession of alcoholic beverages.
  2. 2. This country, plus Great Britain and Russia, were the European Allies in World War I.
  3. 3. Serbia joined what new country after World War I.
  4. 4. The type of transit moves many people at once, which enabled workers to live further from their jobs.
  5. 7. This telegram suggested an alliance between Mexico and Germany that deeply angered the American People.
  6. 11. This type of warfare was introduced during WWI and featured tanks and airplanes?
  7. 12. The name of this 1919 treaty that ended World War establishing new nations, borders, and war reparations.
  8. 15. This movement's aims included returning control of the government to the people, restoring economic opportunities, and correcting injustices in American life.
  9. 16. The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies is Social _______?
  10. 17. The money paid by a defeated nation for the damage or injury it inflicted during a war.