Civics Mock Trial Vocab

  1. 3. The examination of a witness by the party opposed to the one who produced them
  2. 5. Every type of proof legally presented at trial which is intended to convince the trier-of-fact of alleged facts material to the case
  3. 7. One who prosecutes another for a crime in the name of the government
  4. 8. Direction that the judge gives the jury concerning the applicable law of an issue or case
  5. 10. Mental desire and will to act in a particular way, including wishing not to participate
  6. 13. In law, just, rational, appropriate, ordinary, or usual in circumstances
  7. 15. The attorney representing the accused in a criminal case
  8. 17. Having committed a crime; justly charged with a specified crime
  9. 19. To weigh, discuss and consider
  10. 22. To give evidence as a witness
  11. 24. Evidence that the court allows to be admitted at trail
  12. 25. An official with the authority and responsibility to preside in a court, try lawsuits and make official rulings
  13. 26. A person who provides legal services by appearing in court
  14. 28. The standard that must be met by the prosecution's evidence in a criminal case
  15. 29. Whether testimony is worthy of belief
  1. 1. The greater weight of the evidence required in a civil lawsuit for the trier-of-fact to decide in favor of one side or the other
  2. 2. A paper, chart, or other item presented to the court
  3. 4. A group of persons sworn to render a verdict or true answer on a question or questions submitted to them
  4. 6. Evidence in a trial which is not obtained directly from an eyewitness and requires reasoning to prove a fact
  5. 9. The specific crime a defendant is accused of committing
  6. 11. A duty placed upon a civil or criminal defendant to prove or disprove a disputed fact
  7. 12. Free from guilt
  8. 14. Real, tangible or clear evidence of a fact
  9. 16. An act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it for which punishment is imposed upon finding guilt
  10. 18. A formal accusation in writing. found and presented by a grand jury, charging that the person named in it has committed or omitted an act, in violation of the law
  11. 20. The accused in a criminal case
  12. 21. The examination of a witness by the party on whos behalf they are called
  13. 23. A jury's decision or judgment
  14. 27. An individual who actually sees, hears, or perceives something; an individual who provides testimony in court