Civics study guide 2

  1. 6. each branch of power checks the others so no one branch can dominate the government (even tho there's highkey no check on Judicial power)
  2. 8. the process by which the Constitution was put into law
  3. 10. Branch of government that enforces laws
  4. 11. Black slaves can be counted as part of a state's population when determining representation, but only as a fraction of a free white person
  5. 14. The government practices self-control and doesn't oppress people too much, and if it wants to, it has to delegate its oppressive power to the states.
  6. 16. Branch of government that checks if laws or actions of other branches are constitutional.
  7. 17. Right to remain silent
  8. 18. Right to bare arms
  9. 19. Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure
  10. 21. The place where the Constitution was ratified
  11. 23. All power not given to the Federal Government in the Constitution belongs to the States or to the People
  12. 24. Right to a jury trial for suits above $20
  13. 25. Right to other rights not specified in the Constitution
  14. 26. Freedom of Speech, The Press, Religion, Assembly, and the right to Petition the Government
  15. 27. Branch of government that makes laws
  16. 28. The Supreme Court reserves the right to over-ride any law or action done by other parts of the government if they are unconstiuttional (or if they feel like it; have fun with ur "separation of powers"
  17. 29. a legal document that serves as the basis of a country
  1. 1. Opposers of the new Constitution
  2. 2. similarly to Limited Government, the central government has to delegate its power unto states, which then delegate their power unto counties. It is the job of the counties to oppress you, and yet, somehow, it always ends up being the states of the central government. Isn't that crazy?
  3. 3. Supporters of the new Constitution
  4. 4. gave too much power to the states, not enough to the federal government. Really failed to make a single "country"
  5. 5. The people rule the country and get to make important decisions, not just the rich and powerful or the political elites
  6. 7. first constitution of the united states
  7. 9. The part of our Constitution that outlines the goals of the country and why it's set up the way it is.
  8. 12. Right to a jury trial
  9. 13. Right to refuse soldiers quarter
  10. 15. Power, rather than being concentrated in a single place, is split betwixt many branches and people. These people have to work together if they want to oppress you (something they're surprisingly good at doing, actually)
  11. 20. Freedom from Cruel and Unusual Punishment
  12. 22. created new states in the Midwest and made sure they were free states