Civics: Unit 1 - Principles of American Democracy

  1. 4. traditional way of behaving that is a characteristic of life within a social system
  2. 8. a European intellectual movement that focussed on logic and reason rather than strictly religious thinking (tradition)
  3. 9. ideals that define the role and function of a government
  4. 10. given the right to vote
  1. 1. dividing the government into multiple branches
  2. 2. governmental organization (the lower house - upper house was appointed by the governor) in the colonies that consisted of elected representatives
  3. 3. dividing power so that no one person can gain too much
  4. 5. enjoying autonomy - independent
  5. 6. an economic system meant to increase a nation’s wealth through government control of all economic activities; colonies were created to make money for the mother country
  6. 7. an agreement between a people and it’s government for mutual benefits