Civil and Criminal Law Quiz

  1. 3. The kind of Civil Case where a harm or loss occurred
  2. 5. The felony of attempting to hit someone else, whether or not you are successful
  3. 6. The person who is suing the defendant
  4. 10. The person who is accused and has to defend themselves in a Civil or Criminal case
  5. 11. The kind of case where no crime is committed
  6. 13. The word meaning responsible in a civil case
  7. 17. The kind of tort that is a careless mistake
  8. 18. a court order to appear in the court and testify about a specific case
  1. 1. The kind of tort that is on purpose with full knowledge
  2. 2. formal accusation of a crime
  3. 4. money to make up for your behavior in a civil case
  4. 6. Reasonable grounds for making a charge or conducting a search in a criminal case
  5. 7. The lawyer for the government that issues charges and tries the case
  6. 8. The kind of plea when someone did the crime, but is sent to a psychiatric facility instead of prison because they are mentally unstable
  7. 9. a smaller crime with a smaller punishment
  8. 12. the misdemeanor of hanging around in a public place where one has no legal purpose
  9. 14. The kind of case where a crime is committed
  10. 15. the amount of money defendants must post to be released from custody until their trial
  11. 16. A serious crime that results in imprisonment for over a year