Civil & Criminal Law

  1. 4. type of evidence like video footage or sound recordings
  2. 5. a group of citizens who reach a decision in a trial
  3. 9. an action that is a harmful or dangerous to society
  4. 12. lawyer who tries to prove the defendant guilty
  5. 13. money paid by the person at fault in a civil case
  6. 14. a defense lawyer tries to show reasonable _______
  7. 16. personal _______ cases often deal with accidents
  8. 17. information used by lawyers during a trial
  9. 18. area of civil law dealing with written agreements
  1. 1. the process of finding evidence for a trial
  2. 2. a person who sues someone in a civil case
  3. 3. area of civil law about possessions like land
  4. 6. the jury's decision in a court trial
  5. 7. area of civil law involving family units
  6. 8. the person who oversees a court trial
  7. 9. the location of judicial proceedings like trials
  8. 10. a person accused of committing a crime
  9. 11. someone who testifies in a trial
  10. 12. type of evidence such as blood or fabric fibers
  11. 15. legal request for a defendant to appear in court