Civil Liberties

  1. 2. Unacceptable government prohibition of speech or publication before it occurs.
  2. 3. When someone publishes false information harming another person's reputation
  3. 5. The 3-prong test used to determine if a law affecting religion is lawful.
  4. 8. The clause that the Supreme Court has interpreted to mean government may not favor one religion over another or support religion over no religion.
  5. 9. The type of incorporation that uses the 14th Amendment to apply provisions of the Bill of Rights to the states
  6. 10. "No state shall...deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without.............. of law.
  7. 12. The Rule that bars the use of evidence obtained in violation of the defendant's rights
  1. 1. specific individual rights that are constitutionally protected against infringement by government
  2. 4. When someone communicates false information to a 3rd party harming another person's reputation
  3. 6. The Griswald v. Connecticut Supreme Court case found this to be a liberty interest that the Constitution protects
  4. 7. The clause interpreted to mean that Americans are able to hold religious beliefs of their choosing.
  5. 11. Speech that is by actions rather than by words