Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

  1. 4. and public figures, the constitutional tests designed
  2. 5. that Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free
  3. 6. rights, protection from discrimination
  4. 8. clause Ex post facto law – Retroactive criminal law that works to
  5. 12. or illegally obtained be excluded from a
  6. 13. disadvantage of a person.
  7. 15. and services; they receive less First Amendment
  8. 17. or a newspaper is published; usually presumed to be
  9. 20. trial.
  10. 22. that the defendant will plead guilty to a lesser
  11. 23. the bill of rights are brought within the scope of the
  12. 25. liberties, a class of rights that protect individuals' freedom from infringement by governments
  13. 26. to a judge why a prisoner is being held in custody
  14. 27. of habeas corpus – A court order requiring
  15. 29. restraint – Censorship imposed before a speech is
  16. 30. exercise clause Clause in the First Amendment that
  1. 1. warrant – A writ issued by a magistrate that
  2. 2. bargain – Agreement between a prosecutor and a
  3. 3. to avoid having to stand trial for more serious offense.
  4. 5. the place to be searched and the objects to be
  5. 7. – Written defamation of another person. For public
  6. 9. doctrine The process by which provisions
  7. 10. post facto law – Retroactive criminal law that works to
  8. 11. restrict libel actions are especially rigid.
  9. 14. of religion.
  10. 16. speech – Advertisements and commercials for
  11. 18. rule – Requirement that evidence
  12. 19. Amendment and so applied to state and local
  13. 21. primarily to discourage false and misleading ads.
  14. 24. the police to search a particular place or person,
  15. 28. disadvantage of a person.