Civil Rights

  1. 2. place created by white people to avoid living near black people
  2. 3. protest where people do not move until demands are met
  3. 8. party/groupran by Fred Hampton
  4. 11. act of putting black and white students together in school
  5. 12. woman who stood her ground and refused to move to back of the bus
  6. 14. Act of sperating races in public or school
  7. 15. Martin Luther King's most famous speech
  1. 1. location of march prior to I have a dream speech
  2. 4. first black student to attend white school in arkansas
  3. 5. set of laws that allowed segregation
  4. 6. initials of most known civil rights leader
  5. 7. Clause that allowed segregation; seperate but ______
  6. 9. civil ______ act of 1964
  7. 10. Key attorney in Brown v Board
  8. 13. first name of first black MLB player