Civil Rights

  1. 2. Racist laws that restricted the rights and opportunities of black people were known as ________ laws.
  2. 4. Another word for intolerance.
  3. 5. During the Civil War the North was known as the _________.
  4. 7. A way to integrate (bring the races together) a business or public area. African Americans would sit at ‘whites only’ areas and wait to be served.
  5. 10. This Amendment ended poll taxes.
  6. 12. happens when one group is treated differently from
  7. 13. happens when one group is kept separate from another group.
  8. 14. The 13th Amendment _________ slavery in the United States.
  9. 15. The 15th Amendment gave all men the right to ______ regardless of race.
  10. 17. During the Civil War the South was known as the ________.
  11. 18. The 14th Amendment guaranteed ___________ to all people born in the US.
  12. 19. The first African American Supreme Court Justice.
  1. 1. This was issued by President Lincoln in 1863 declaring all slaves were free.
  2. 3. This means to break away, as when states wanted to break away during the Civil War.
  3. 6. This type of protest called for consumers to avoid a product or service that discriminated against African Americans.
  4. 8. involved large groups of protesters taking to the streets with signs, banners, songs, and chants
  5. 9. He delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington.(Last Name)
  6. 11. Plessy v Ferguson established that it was ok to create separate but _____ public settings.
  7. 16. In 1954 Brown v Board of Education deemed segregation in school ______.