Civil Rights Milestones

  1. 1. - Nonviolent protest tactic
  2. 5. - Parks, bus boycott catalyst
  3. 7. - Counter sit-ins
  4. 8. - Summer, voter registration
  5. 11. - Jesse Owens' triumph
  6. 13. - College desegregation
  7. 14. - Bus Boycott city
  8. 15. - Till trial
  9. 17. - Rights Act of 1965
  10. 18. - Evers' assassination
  11. 19. - v. Board of Education ruling
  12. 20. - Rock Nine integration
  13. 21. - Civil rights organization
  1. 1. - Student-led organization
  2. 2. - War desegregation influence
  3. 3. - X, Nation of Islam leader
  4. 4. - Riders challenge segregation
  5. 6. - Till's tragic murder
  6. 9. - Bridges, school integration
  7. 10. - King's organization
  8. 12. - Congress of Racial Equality
  9. 13. - Faubus, Little Rock opposition
  10. 16. - on Washington, 1963
  11. 18. - Arrested in South Africa