Civil Rights Movement

  1. 2. laws that dehumanized African Americans
  2. 3. "Good Trouble" enforcer and chairman of SNCC
  3. 5. group of students who were prevented from entering segregated school
  4. 6. group of activists who rode segregated busses into the Southern US
  5. 8. mother of Montgomery bus boycotts
  6. 10. 14 year old boy who was tortured and killed
  7. 11. Supreme Court's first African-American Justice
  8. 13. main civil rights organization that worked to remove barriers of national discrimination
  9. 14. March into Selma, Alabama that was met by clubs, whips, and tear gas from state and local police
  1. 1. amendment that gave black men the right to vote
  2. 4. NAACP's first field secretary
  3. 7. leader of civil rights movement
  4. 9. student led organization inspired by the nonviolent protest efforts from the Bus Boycott
  5. 10. amendment that abolished slavery
  6. 12. March on _________, the occasion where "I Have a Dream" speech was given