Civil Rights Movement Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. female American activist
  2. 5. where mlk died
  3. 8. binding custom or practice of a community
  4. 9. the year mlk died
  5. 10. people often did this
  6. 11. local laws that enforced racial segregation
  7. 13. something a person has that shouldn't be taken away from them
  8. 15. you have to be 18 and older to do this
  1. 1. was famous for his I have a dream speech
  2. 2. president kennedy's wife
  3. 4. government-protected rights
  4. 6. people fight for this
  5. 7. served as 37th vice president
  6. 12. people want this
  7. 14. way of governing that depends on the will of the people