Civil Rights

  1. 4. Rides accross Mississippi
  2. 7. Black radical
  3. 9. Assainated in 1968
  4. 10. Rosa Parks
  5. 11. President who passed the civil rights act of 1964
  6. 12. Congres Of Racial Equality
  7. 16. Year of the civil rights act
  8. 18. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
  9. 19. Radical Black Group
  10. 20. Student Non-Violent Coordinating Commitee
  1. 1. Meredith March
  2. 2. Creater of Black Panther Party
  3. 3. President that was assinated
  4. 5. Member of Black Panther Party
  5. 6. Term used to represent Blacks
  6. 8. Inventor Of the saying Black Power
  7. 13. March by James Meredith
  8. 14. The Place of the Sit-ins
  9. 15. White Nationalist Group
  10. 17. National Association for the Advancement Of Coloured People