Civil Rights

  1. 5. Peace Prize Mandela was awarded this for his work in fighting apartheid
  2. 6. in 1955 Parks was ______
  3. 8. A man who fought segregation in South Africa
  4. 9. the race that was being segregated against in the 1950s
  5. 10. when a group of people show their dislike for something
  6. 11. Laws that segregated colored people and white people
  7. 13. unjust treatment of a different race or group of people
  8. 16. a minister from Atlant who led the civil rights movement
  9. 17. the woman who got arrested on the bus in Montgomery, AL and was supported by NAACP
  1. 1. a common name for African Americans in the 1950s
  2. 2. the separation of two races or groups of people
  3. 3. where colored people commonly sat to show their dislike in segregation
  4. 4. when M. L. K Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech
  5. 7. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  6. 9. when a smaller race or group of people rules over a larger race or group of people
  7. 12. the colored people of Montgomery, AL did this on the day of Parks' trial
  8. 13. "I have a _____ "
  9. 14. the town were rosa Parks was from
  10. 15. another word for a colored person in the 1950s
  11. 18. a peaceful way of protesting