civil war

  1. 2. Union victory in the Mississippi River Valley that split the Confederacy from east to west.
  2. 4. the murder of a prominent person, often a political leader or ruler.
  3. 7. Freedom and independence.
  4. 8. Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant signaling the end of the Civil War.
  5. 10. Confederacy attacked a federal fort in South Carolina officially starting the Civil War in 1861.
  1. 1. Presidential executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln that declared all slaves within the rebellious states are free. (not border states)
  2. 3. (1863), turning point in the Civil War in which the Union defeated the Confederacy, ending hopes for a Confederate victory in the North (Bloodiest battle.)
  3. 5. the Unions plan to strangle the South economically and militarily by taking over the Mississippi River and blockading Southern ports.
  4. 6. Famous speech made by Abraham Lincoln to honor the soldiers of both sides that died at Gettysburg/ showed dedication to republicanism, equal rights, liberty, and Union.
  5. 9. Volume of money printed increases = Prices increase = loss of value of currency. (money becomes