civil war

  1. 2. represented the southern army and wore grey.
  2. 7. He planned a slave rebellion and was hanged for treason.
  3. 11. In 1863 this declared all slaves in the rebelling states were free.
  4. 12. The capital of the Confederate states of America during the Civil War was.
  5. 13. Who was the president of the Confederate states of America?
  6. 14. The capital of the United States of America during the Civil War was.
  1. 1. The commanding general of the Union army was.
  2. 3. Who was the president of the United States during the Civil War?
  3. 4. represented the northern states and wore blue.
  4. 5. Who said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand"?
  5. 6. The single bloodiest DAY in the Civil War took place here.
  6. 8. of these was NOT a border state during the Civil War?
  7. 9. The commanding general of the Confederate army was.
  8. 10. Which state was not part of the Union?
  9. 15. Which state was not part of the Confederacy?