Civil War

  1. 2. An army of citizens used during emergencies
  2. 5. The names given to the states that stayed loyal to the United States government
  3. 8. Slave states that did not leave the union
  4. 10. A term used to describe people who supported the Union
  5. 11. An ankle high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War
  6. 12. A law passed by congress in 1850 that said escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned to their owners
  7. 15. Soldiers that fight and travel by foot
  8. 16. Group of states that left the United States to form their own country
  9. 18. A soldier that is wounded or killed during battle
  10. 19. A nickname given to people in the South supporting the Confederate States
  11. 20. A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery
  1. 1. A long blade of knife attached to the end of a musket
  2. 3. A term meaning "before war"
  3. 4. A northerner who moved to the South during the reconstruction to become rich
  4. 6. When a person is murdered for political reasons
  5. 7. An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out
  6. 9. The rebuilding of war torn southern states so they could be readmitted into the Union
  7. 13. A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers
  8. 14. Large caliber firearms like cannons and mortars
  9. 17. When the southern states chose to leave the United States