- 1. Confederate general during the American Civil War
- 3. where was the confederate capital
- 4. secede from something
- 5. wanted too stop slavery
- 7. side that did not slavery
- 11. tried to prevent any goods, troops, and weapons from entering the southern states
- 13. did not support slavery
- 14. required that slaves be returned to their owners even if they were in a free state
- 15. slave states that border with the free states during the civil war
- 16. first republican too become president
- 18. supported slavery
- 19. side that supported slavery
- 2. all slaves in rebel states be free
- 6. who won the civil war
- 7. this is how slaves would escape
- 8. the act of using a person as a workforce without consent
- 9. an escaped slave who became a prominent activist, author and public speaker
- 10. he burned down nearly all of atlanta
- 12. first battle in the civil war
- 17. soldiers whom were killed