Civil War and Reconstruction (1820-1877)

  1. 6. The ________ of Office Act was broken by Andrew Johnson when he fired Edwin Stanton.
  2. 9. Republicans who pushed to end slavery and punish the South for the Civil War were called ________ Republicans.
  3. 10. The action of separating people, especially based on race.
  4. 11. Name of the Railroad that linked the East and West of the United States, completed in 1869.
  5. 14. Derogatory term for people from the North who arrived in the South to recover the South.
  6. 19. A compromise reached in 1820 to keep slave and nonslave states equal in the Senate.
  7. 20. Term for a freedman who enters into a farming deal with former owner to work the land and divide the harvest
  8. 21. This group was founded on white supremacy and committed acts of violence against African Americans following the Civil War.
  9. 22. Loyalty felt by many Americans to their region of the country, rather than the country as a whole.
  1. 1. The admission of California as a free state coupled with stronger slave laws made up the ________ of 1850.
  2. 2. Violence between abolitionists and pro-slavery Southerners in Kansas led to the nickname "________" Kansas.
  3. 3. Constitutional amendment that prohibited slavery throughout the United States.
  4. 4. An emancipated slave.
  5. 5. Just after the Civil War, _______ _______ were written by Southern states to prevent freedmen from having the same rights as whites.
  6. 7. Lincoln's __________ Proclamation declared that slaves in states in rebellion would be free in January 1863.
  7. 8. Constitutional amendment that prohibits denial of voting rights on the basis of race.
  8. 12. The action of formally withdrawing from membership in the United States.
  9. 13. These tests were given to African Americans after the Fifteenth Amendment in order to limit black voting rights.
  10. 15. The first American president to be impeached by Congress.
  11. 16. The Freedmen's _________ was designed to provide newly freed slaves with legal protection and education during the Reconstruction period.
  12. 17. Bill that prohibited discrimination based on race, the __________ act of 1866.
  13. 18. Republican who won the 1860 presidential election.
  14. 23. A Southern white who supported Reconstruction.