Civil War Era

  1. 4. The bloodiest (3 day) battle of the Civil War. 55,000+ dead/wounded
  2. 7. General of the Union Army during the Civil War
  3. 12. This new system of labor was designed to allow former slaves to make money but led to an endless cycle of debt and poverty
  4. 14. This amendment abolished slavery (write out the number)
  5. 16. The name for the new nation formed by the 11 southern states that seceded
  6. 18. This act of Congress drew a line across the United States and said slavery would be banned in the North
  7. 21. This government agency helped former slaves with education, jobs, food, and reuniting families
  8. 23. The Supreme Court ruled that slaves were not citizens and did not have rights after this man sued for his freedom
  9. 26. President of the United States during the Civil War
  1. 1. This group terrorized African Americans and used violence to keep African Americans from exercising their rights
  2. 2. The first battle of the Civil War
  3. 3. General of the Confederate Army during the Civil War
  4. 5. There was debate in the United States over annexing this territory because it had slaves and would lead to war with Mexico
  5. 6. President of the Confederacy during the Civil War
  6. 8. This amendment gave African American men the right to vote (write out number)
  7. 9. This territory was gained from Mexico after the Mexican-American War. Debate over if slavery would be allowed there or not.
  8. 10. This book by Harriet Beecher Stowe led to an increase of support for the Abolition Movement
  9. 11. These laws were designed to limit the freedoms gained by African Americans after the Civil War
  10. 13. The bloodiest single day of fighting in the Civil War
  11. 15. The end of the Civil War
  12. 17. This amendment said all people born in the US are citizens with equal rights (write out number)
  13. 19. The election of this man as president in 1860 led to South Carolina seceding from the USA
  14. 20. The official end of slavery in Texas
  15. 22. The main cause of the Civil War
  16. 24. Congress decided to allow the people to vote on slavery in this territory leading to fighting over the issue of slavery
  17. 25. Battle in Texas AFTER the Civil War had ended