Civil War events

  1. 3. and antislavery folks went to Kansas territory in 1854-1856.
  2. 5. does the South seriously begin to think about if these states joined the Union as free states?
  3. 6. slave act
  4. 8. representative Preston Brooks entered the senate chamber and started beating sumner w/a cane
  5. 12. Brown's Raid
  6. 13. and 18 men seized arsenal w/o a fight; fell apart when no slaves rose up to assist the rebellion
  7. 14. Toms Cabin
  8. 15. Scott case.
  9. 17. compromise
  10. 18. not following the law would be charged w/a felony and fined
  11. 19. allowed to choose states if they allowed slavery or not.
  12. 22. U.S. Supreme Court stated that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States
  13. 23. Railroad
  14. 24. missouri applied for statehood
  1. 1. of 1850
  2. 2. Carolina voted to secede from the Union on DEC 20, 1860. Between JAN 9-FEB 1, more states voted to secede from the union
  3. 4. Slave Act Passed
  4. 5. proposed the Missouri Compromise?
  5. 7. in Congress
  6. 8. Clay
  7. 9. of 1860
  8. 10. Kansas
  9. 11. was popular w/northern abolitionists; southerners hated him- didn't even appear on most southern ballots
  10. 16. act
  11. 20. opponents squared off in the race for a senate seat to represent Illinois
  12. 21. both the antislavery movement and the womans right movement