Civil War Georgia

  1. 5. of 1850 Allowed California to enter as free and divided territories won in the Mexican War to Utah and New Mexico. No decision on slavery
  2. 6. War the social economic and constitutional disagreement between the North and the South
  3. 9. Plan The Northern plan that was meant to strangle the South and cut off trade with other countries
  4. 11. The blocking of Southern ports from trading
  5. 13. Davis President of the Confederacy
  6. 14. Person who supports abolition
  7. 15. Brown Northern abolitionist who led the raid on Harpers Ferry
  8. 16. to end slavery
  9. 17. Lincoln 16th President of the United States. His election in 1860 caused the Southern States to secede from Union
  10. 18. Platform stated that Georgia would remain in the Union as long as the Fugitive Slave Act would be enforced
  11. 20. before war
  12. 22. Slave Act stated that any slave escaping from slavery had to be returned to its owner
  13. 23. Ferry located in Virginia, Brown hoped attack would rally slaves to revolte against their masters
  1. 1. Sovereignty Allowed people in certain areas to decide whether they wanted slavery or not
  2. 2. States of America The country that the succeeding states formed
  3. 3. Proclamation Document that Lincoln used to free the slaves in the Southern states
  4. 4. Compromise The agreement that allowed Missouri to enter as a slave state and Maine as a free state. It was meant to keep the balance of free and slave state
  5. 7. Rights Where the state has the right to decide on a particular issue
  6. 8. Proviso Law that would forbid the expansion of slavery in western territories won from Mexico
  7. 10. gold rush gold discovery in 1849. Prompting the debate of slavery in Union
  8. 12. loyal to a certain part or region of the country
  9. 19. To break away from the Union
  10. 20. Stephens popular polition from Georgia, became the Vice President of the Confederacy.
  11. 21. to say its not valid