Civil War Reconstruction

  1. 6. Enslaved african american man who unsuccessfully sued for his freedom the case went to the supreme court
  2. 11. 16th president and was president during the civil war
  3. 14. Referred to as the confederacy maned of the unrecognized country temporarily created by the southern states which seceded from the union
  4. 15. An action of formality withdrawing from a federation
  5. 18. prohibited the denial of the vote bc of race, color or previous servitudeBlackcodes Numerous laws enacted in the former confederate states after the civil war which limited the rights and liberties of african americans
  6. 19. Required all escaped slaves to be returned to their masters and that citizens of free states must cooperate
  7. 20. Abolitionist led attacks in kansas during bleeding kansas planned to arm slaves in revolt
  1. 1. Secret society that used violence against freedman and their white supporters they practiced violence to intimidate newly freed african americans
  2. 2. abolished slavery
  3. 3. A war between citizens in the same country
  4. 4. The owner of a plot of land lets someone work the land in exchange for ½ or more of the crop it was used to keep newly freed slaves in a cycle
  5. 5. An anti slavery novel, harriet beecher stowe, helped spread the abolishment movement throughout north
  6. 7. Law allowed territories to decide for themselves weather or not to allow slavery by utilizing popular sovereignty
  7. 8. California wanted to join the union as a free state which caused conflict between the north and the south
  8. 9. granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the us
  9. 10. Slave states that stayed with the union during the civil war
  10. 12. To be set free, set free all slaves in the confederacy only- abraham lincoln
  11. 13. Numerous laws enacted in the former confederate states after the civil war which limited the rights and liberties of african americans
  12. 16. Division of power between state and federal gov. Civil war started over a fight over these states rights the southern states believed they had the right to decide to keep slavery and not pay tariffs
  13. 17. An action of formality withdrawing from a federation