Civil War Vocab

  1. 2. A person or thing that prevents incompatible or antagonistic people or things from coming into contact with or harming each other.
  2. 6. A war fought between citizens of the same country.
  3. 8. The formal admission of someone to office.
  4. 10. A republic formed in February 1861 and composed of the Southern states that seceded from the United States in an attempt to preserve slavery and states' rights.
  5. 11. A fort in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, where the first shots of the American Civil War were fired on April 12, 1861.
  6. 12. The term used to refer to the Northern states during the American Civil War.
  7. 13. Forts controlled by the government of the United States.
  8. 14. To withdraw formally from membership in a group or organization, especially a political union, alliance, or federation.
  9. 15. A colloquial term used to refer to people from the Northern United States.
  1. 1. A strategy used by the Confederacy to withhold cotton exports in an attempt to gain support from European powers.
  2. 2. The act of using ships to break through a naval blockade.
  3. 3. A term used to refer to the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes, who were considered more assimilated into Euro-American culture.
  4. 4. The term used to refer to the Southern states that seceded from the United States during the American Civil War.
  5. 5. A set of principles or goals declared by a political party or candidate.
  6. 6. The most important city or town of a country or region, usually where the government is located.
  7. 7. Another term used to refer to the Northern states during the American Civil War.
  8. 9. A strategy proposed by General Winfield Scott for defeating the Confederacy by blockading Southern ports and controlling the Mississippi River.