Civil War Vocabulary

  1. 4. a long disagreement that have a lot of battles and need agreements to solve.
  2. 5. a fight between two groups.
  3. 6. That is something Southerners and Northerners fought over about slavery.
  4. 7. a group leaving another group (country, state, area).
  5. 10. how people make money.
  6. 11. rule for Northerners to send back escaped slaves to the South.
  7. 14. South Army.
  8. 15. War when the Southern states and Northern states of America fought against each other.
  9. 16. American Army.
  10. 17. Section that does not support slavery and use businesses/factories for economy.
  1. 1. President of the Confederate States of America. He led the South against the Union in the Civil War.
  2. 2. main issue that caused the Civil War.
  3. 3. if there is no national law, it is up to states to decide. One example is allowing slavery.
  4. 8. Area of America.
  5. 9. Section that relies on slavery and refuses to stop it.
  6. 12. The states that did not leave/quit America and wanted to stay united.
  7. 13. 16th U.S. President who wanted to help both the North and South but instead dealt with the Civil War.