Claims/Supply Chain and Hub Services

  1. 2. - Fewer than 2000 open claims
  2. 3. - ? journey
  3. 7. - Next new RepairHub site to open
  4. 9. - Next big rock for Claims
  5. 11. - Ambition
  6. 13. - Rhymes with Smartly
  7. 15. - Knuckles Pilot
  1. 1. - More than insurance, Claims the IAG way
  2. 2. - 2 sessions, 2 months
  3. 4. -#1 callout for First Rescue
  4. 5. - Turning 5 in November
  5. 6. - You Said. We're doing.
  6. 8. - Newest Hub Service
  7. 10. - 90/50/50
  8. 12. - Eyewear company
  9. 14. - 2:9:2