Claire crossword puzzle

  1. 2. pulley works against it
  2. 4. movement of electrons
  3. 7. the cycle
  4. 9. machines no moving parts
  5. 10. ex.crowbar
  6. 11. less energy when its stored
  7. 14. ex.turbines
  8. 16. many simple machines in one
  9. 18. measure of force
  10. 19. beneath the surface
  11. 20. measure of distance
  12. 21. people use me to get objects off a truck
  13. 23. fuel made from dead plants and animals
  14. 24. direct contact
  15. 27. tiny particules released in large amounts
  16. 29. inclined plane wrapped into a spiral
  17. 30. the vibration of movement of atoms
  1. 1. heat traveled by waves
  2. 3. when potential energy is high _ is low
  3. 5. cant be created or destroyed
  4. 6. a car tire is an exampl of a...
  5. 8. cant use it again
  6. 12. energy of flowing water
  7. 13. living things
  8. 15. amount of force used
  9. 17. hot air rises and cold air sinks
  10. 22. energy from the sun
  11. 25. ridges of nails
  12. 26. wheel and rope to lift an object
  13. 28. flat at the bottom and comes up