Class 7 Chapter 1: Nutrition in Plants

  1. 1. also called as green pigment
  2. 3. mode of making food by an organism
  3. 5. spherical structured located centrally
  4. 9. process which plants to create energy
  5. 12. produced during photosynthesis
  6. 13. slimy, green patches in ponds or stagnant water bodies
  7. 14. insect-eating plant
  8. 15. surrounded by a jelly-like substance
  1. 2. organisms that take in food prepared by plants
  2. 4. organisms sharing both shelter and nutrients
  3. 6. Membrane a thin outer boundary
  4. 7. fungi that derive nutrition from dead and decaying matter
  5. 8. components of food
  6. 10. energy absorbed by chlorophyll present in leaves/plants
  7. 11. organisms that make food themselves