- 2. "Dagsorden" in English?
- 4. "Tiltagende" in English?
- 7. Another word for conceive?
- 8. "Tilsløret" in English?
- 9. What are immigrents?
- 10. "Bestride" in English?
- 12. Director of the Runnymede Trust
- 13. "Klage" in English?
- 15. The debate in Britain can lead to better...?
- 1. "uduelig" in English?
- 3. A place to grieve if you are from the white working class?
- 5. One way the white working classes are discriminated against
- 6. "Påvirke" in English?
- 11. Mordern kind of fortune teller?
- 14. "Forsømme" in English?