Class Intro

  1. 2. a reference work that contains information on all branches of knowledge or a specific subject area.
  2. 3. the type of computers we will be using
  3. 6. the norms of appropriate behavior with regards to technology use.
  4. 11. refers to machines, equipment or methods we use, Also, the use of science and machines to do things.
  5. 14. the ability to read, write, understand and gain knowledge, also a type of knowledge.
  6. 15. where this class will be meeting.
  7. 17. the place where historical materials and records are preserved.
  8. 18. a large collection of specialized data and information organized to facilitate research, usually not free, part of the closed web.
  9. 19. the most popular search engine.
  1. 1. a first hand account, original document or work from the time of study.
  2. 4. the browser we will be using on the Macs
  3. 5. the building on campus and online resource you can access to find a wide variety of resources to use.
  4. 7. a peer reviewed scholarly periodical featuring academic research.
  5. 8. an electronic communications network that connects people around the world.
  6. 9. facts, data or knowledge you get about something.
  7. 10. magazines and newspapers are types of these.
  8. 12. middle school librarian and teacher of this class(last name).
  9. 13. the passwords for the macbooks are names of these characters.
  10. 16. you use this online tool to search what the library has.