Class Names and Birthdays

  1. 3. Birthday is July 17th
  2. 4. The Month and Day are both 7
  3. 9. The same as the last day of school
  4. 14. The first of February is her birthday
  5. 15. Birthday is April 15th
  6. 17. Her birthday is 5 days before Caleb's
  7. 19. Birthday is February 16th
  8. 20. His birthday is on Halloween
  9. 21. December 3rd is her birthday
  1. 1. 11/4/2013 is her birthday
  2. 2. February 27th is his birthday
  3. 5. 7/28/2001 is her birthday
  4. 6. Birthday is the 22nd of May
  5. 7. October 27th is his birthday
  6. 8. Birthday is 9/24/2012
  7. 10. Birthday is June 3rd
  8. 11. His birthday is the day after school ends
  9. 12. Has the same birthday as Ian
  10. 13. Birthday is 9/5/2013
  11. 14. 4/2/2013 is his birthday
  12. 16. 1/12/2013 is his birthday
  13. 18. Birthday is 5/24/2013