Class of 2024

  1. 2. This student was so opposed to school they made it home before their mum after she had dropped him off to school.
  2. 3. S In primary school this student was the school captain, by high school smoking cigarettes in a wall cavity!
  3. 4. This student received a school service badge for delivering the milk.
  4. 7. A love for economics led to a memorable serenade.
  5. 9. E Learning about medieval farming methods were a highlight of this student's Yr 9 History classes.
  6. 10. Ask this person about their justification for biting another student in Year One.
  7. 12. P This student used Science to play 'Who Dares Wins'
  8. 13. Says she was a goody tooshoes, but there has got to be a story with this student.
  9. 14. B This student put dishwashing liquid into the staff room urn prior to morning tea!
  10. 17. M This champion tennis player took great pride in defeating the dedicated sports high school to qualify for the State Championships
  11. 19. This student attempted to blow up the science labs.
  12. 21. We better watch out during our class photo, this student is likely to change the pegboard!
  13. 24. Find this student over the weekend and she might have a bag of Allen's snakes!
  14. 27. D After being voted Class Captain this student took money from his girlfriend in 4th class, knowing it was stolen cash!!
  15. 29. Another student who reached a different type of 'high' in high school
  16. 30. This student smoked some interesting herbs when they wagged school.
  17. 33. This angel loved her school musicals.
  18. 34. As a boarder she loved racing the daygirls.
  19. 35. Hiding a bag of bolied cabbage in the Science lab this student drove the teachers mad, searching for the source of the smell
  20. 36. R This person's school has a name in common with a famous part of London.
  1. 1. This student attended 10 different schools.
  2. 5. Can this person explain their motivation to drop a basketball over the toilet stalls and onto the head of another student?
  3. 6. This student would be expelled and face police action if they repeated their actions in the school swimming pool these days!
  4. 8. This person had an interest in Fairy bread!
  5. 11. Believe of not this student broke into school during the holidays!
  6. 12. Clue
  7. 15. A lover of Drama club this student also got up to mischief in the science lab.
  8. 16. This student waterbombed all the A graders with a garbage bag full of water.
  9. 18. This student got poked in the back by the Nun's umbrella after they were looking at the boys across the chapel.
  10. 20. One of our many students who has wagged school!
  11. 22. Getting to school in the Mag Mobile was the only way to travel!
  12. 23. This student was a champion on the hockey pitch.
  13. 25. This student used the school public phone to win tickets to a male strip show!
  14. 26. Brown paper and pasting the book labels with Perkins paste set this student up for straight As.
  15. 28. This student used her Prefect priviledges to give lollies away at the canteen.
  16. 31. Horse riding was her chosen sport.
  17. 32. After winning the Religious Knowledge prize, this student pocketed some cash from selling raffle tickets at double the price.
  18. 33. It was the best of times it was the naughtiest of times - when this student met his future wife at school