Classic Amtrak Crossword

  1. 2. United Aircraft Fast train
  2. 4. fastest in u.s.
  3. 5. hourly ny phil shuttle
  4. 7. Northwest streamliner
  5. 9. boston to new york
  6. 10. Bridge over troubled waters
  7. 11. Manufacturer of Turboliner
  8. 13. Electric fast train
  9. 15. Amtrak's busiest
  10. 16. Amfleet snack car
  1. 1. high level cars
  2. 3. Electric line split
  3. 4. Short distance life cars
  4. 6. Amfleet first class
  5. 7. AEM7 nickname
  6. 8. Old switch to electric station
  7. 12. California beach train
  8. 14. Reservation machine