Classical and Operant Conditioning

  1. 2. reinforcement after a set number of times/period of time
  2. 3. type of schedule that rewards every time
  3. 4. in operant conditioning, applying/adding something
  4. 6. how often reinforcement is given
  5. 8. amount of time needed for reinforcement
  6. 11. developed the theory of behaviorism and Little Albert experiment
  7. 12. in operant conditioning, done to increase a behavior
  8. 16. training an automatic response by pairing two stimuli and creating an association between them
  9. 18. in classical conditioning, innate
  1. 1. experiment conditioning a baby to fear rats or anything similar
  2. 4. in operant conditioning, done to decrease a behavior
  3. 5. training a behavior through reinforcement and punishment
  4. 7. developed theory of classical conditioning
  5. 9. in operant conditioning, removing something
  6. 10. reinforcement after a varying number of times/period of time
  7. 12. number of times needed for reinforcement
  8. 13. in classical conditioning, trained
  9. 14. skinner's main work, involved and rat and the pressing of buttons which gave rewards or punishments
  10. 15. pavlov's main work, involved a dog and the association of food with a ringing bell
  11. 17. developed theory of operant conditioning